C Exporting files from the cloud

If you are using the R Studio Cloud, you may need to export files to share them with other people or submit them for your assignments.

  • First, make sure you have saved any changes you have made to the file. Do this by clicking "File - Save", Ctrl + S, or clicking the save icon. If all your changes have been saved, the save icon will be greyed out. If there are new unsaved changes, you will be able to click the icon.

  • Select the file you and to download in the files pane (bottom right) by ticking the box next to it, then click "More - Export" and save the file to your computer.

  • If you do not have R installed, DO NOT try to open .R files on your computer. If you do, it will open in Word, Endnote or similar, and it may corrupt your code. Only open the file if you have R and R Studio installed.

  • If you want to double check that this file is definitely the right one to submit for an assignment, you can re-upload it to the server and open it again to make sure it has the answers in it.